Game Aids & Variants Designed Especially For Use With
Dungeons & Dragons
Ready Ref Sheets
Volume I
Second Edition
Revised, Enlarged & In Booklet Form
Covering Judges Guildmember Guidelines, Issues 1 to 6 Including
Wizards Guide, Monster Compendium, Baronies, Men Attacking & Much
This booklet is a compendium of the guidelines from our Guildmember
subscription's first six issues, plus the material found in the Campaign
Hexagon System booklet (which contains 50 hex grids for mapping campaign
areas). Some pages that we felt that some might want to remove from the
booklet and use as loose reference sheets, have been put in the center
of the booklet where one can pry up the staples to remove those pages
(it is recommended that you place them in plastic sheet protectors to
preserve them).
Published by Judges Guild. 1978.
56 pages.
Price: $2.99 SOLD OUT!
Approved For Use With
Dungeons & Dragons
Citadel Of Fire
By Marc Summerlot & Bob Bledsaw
- Adventure into the Ancient Stronghold of the Sorceror Yrammag
- Includes Six Tower and Five Dungeon Levels
- Designed for Higher Levels
Published by Judges Guild. 1980.
32 pages.
Price: $3.00 SOLD OUT!
Official Playing Aid Approved For
Dungeons & Dragons
Frontier Forts of Kelnore
By Dave Sering
- Multi-level adventure generation system
- Tables & charts to build scenarios, traps, monsters,
treasures, maps
- Three complete examples given
Published by Judges Guild. 1978.
32 pages.
Price: $3.00 SOLD OUT!
Official Dungeon Approved For
Dungeons & Dragons
Of Skulls and Scrapfaggot Green
By Bob Blake.
Cover by Kevin Siembieda.
- GenCon X tournament dungeon
- Complete 64 page guidebook
- Mini-campaign featuring town, wilderlands, & underground
Published by Judges Guild.
64 pages.
Price: $4.50 SOLD OUT!
Approved For Use With
Dungeons & Dragons
By Paul Nevins & Bill Faust.
Art by Kevin Siembieda.
Nestled along the banks of the river known as "The Great
Source", stands the mighty fortress City of Verbosh. Built ages ago
by the great "Lord Verbosh I", who founded the great and
noble, royal line of Verbosh. A line of great kings which lasted until
the birth of Verbosh II, whose first great act was to lead his proud
legion into "The Battle of Dead-end Canyon"; where they were
overwhelmed by a host of Kobolds fully half their number. From there on,
the line of Verbosh went steadily down hill. Verbosh XXI managed to lose
the family castle and holdings in a game of dice. This proved to be the
high point of Verboshian history.
The castle then passed from owner to owner through various unsavory
deals into the hands of its present owner, Hargor the Complainer.
Published by Judges Guild. 1979.
80 pages.
Price: $6.50 SOLD OUT!
Designed and Approved For Use With
Dungeons & Dragons
Operation Ogre
The 1979 Pacificon Tournament Dungeon
By Michael E. Mayeau.
Cover by Kevin Siembieda.
Art by Kevin Siembieda, Gerald Busby, and Ed Perry.
Published by Judges Guild. 1979.
32 pages.
Price: $3.25 SOLD OUT!
Created and Approved for Use With
Dungeons & Dragons
The Book of Treasure Maps
By Paul Jaquays
- Five Scenarios, Complete Adventures with Judges & Players
Maps, Full Background & Accompanying Rumors
- Ready to add to Any Campaign
Published by Judges Guild. 1979.
52 pages.
The books are cut at an angle on right edge and have light
Price: $3.95 SOLD OUT!
Official Adventure Aid Approved For
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Portals of Torsh
By Rudy Kraft
- Mini-Campaign of Lazan, Torsh & Lizardmen.
- Maps, Treasures, Cities, Ruins, Monsters.
- Fantastic Historical Background.
Published by Judges Guild.
Price: $3.98 SOLD OUT!
Official Campaign Aid Approved For
Dungeons & Dragons
Spies Of Lightelf
Wilderness Book Two
By Bryan Hinnen
Art: Kevin Siembieda, Paul Jaquays
- Wilderlands Project, Histories, 25 maps, Tables, Three Villages.
- Fantastic Wilderness Detail.
Published by Judges Guild. 1980.
48 pages.
Price: $4.95
Official Adventure Aid Approved For
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Portals Of Irontooth
By Rudy Kraft
- A 48 page book containing charts, rules, and maps pertaining to
Irontooth Island
- Second in the Portal's series for the AD&D system
Published by Judges Guild.
48 pages.
Price: $3.98 SOLD OUT!
Approved For Use With
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Dragon's Hall
By Jim Simon
This 16 page booklet features rules, guidelines, monsters and much
more for playing ease. It can be used as a solitaire dungeon or can be
made part of an existing campaign.
A solo dungeoneer's delight!
Published by Judges Guild.
16 pages.
Price: $3.50 SOLD OUT!
Approved For Use With
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
The Illhiedrin Book
By Daniel Hauffe
This 32-page module is designed for use with low-level Characters and
includes Wilderness Maps, Dungeon Maps, and Inhabitants, plus the
dangers of a Lost Crypt.
Published by Judges Guild.
Price: $3.95 SOLD OUT!
Approved For Use With
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Portals Of Twilight
By Rudy Kraft
Cover by Rick Houser
Art by Erin McKee, Rick Houser, Kevin Siembieda, Ken Simpson, Paul
Vinton, and The Sorcerors Guild
Through a shimmering portal to ... where? A new world beckons all
would-be adventurers to strange and sometimes sinister encounters ending
either in death to the unlucky or great riches to the fortunate. Which
will you be?
Published by Judges Guild. 1981.
48 pages.
Price: $4.98 SOLD OUT!